  • The academic year will be from 1st April to 31st March. The first term will be from 1st April to 30th September and the 2nd Term will be from 1st October to 31st March of each year.
  • To obtain admission at Little Genius, the child will have to appear for an admission test. The admission test is mandatory. Admission will only be granted into the Level determined by the performance in the Level Test. These tests are conducted online as well as offline, depending on the convenience of the parent.
  • The parent shall ensure that their child is well rested & prepared to attempt the test. The Level Test will not be retaken for the child for any reasons whatsoever.
  • If a parent wishes to take admission into a level not advised by the centre head, an undertaking for the same will have to be signed by the parents.
  • A course progression outline may be prescribed at the time of admission. This progression will identify the pattern of classes the student must take, over a certain period. If a parent wishes to deviate from the outlined progression, even mid-year or mid-period, an undertaking for the same shall have to be signed.
  • In case of a new admission, if the parent pays the fees before undergoing the Level Test, they shall still be asked to undergo the same. Once the Level has been advised to the child, Little Genius shall not be held responsible for the payment already made, in case a vacancy is not available in the desired batch. In this event, the parents may choose not to continue with the Level/Batch advised by Little Genius. However, an undertaking shall have to be filled by the parent for opting for a batch/level not prescribed after the test. The fees will not be refunded if timings are not suitable.
  • If the parent pays fees for more than one course and has not undergone the Level Test for either or all the courses, they shall still be asked to undergo the same. Once the Level Tests are conducted for the course(s) paid for by the parent, the parents will be advised for the Level in which the child shall be granted admission. If the batches for the advised levels clash, Little Genius shall take no responsibility for the same. In such a case, no fees will be refunded.
  • If parents wish to opt for non-clashing batches with a different Level than what is advised by Little Genius, they shall have to sign a declaration/undertaking for the same.
  • No admission to any batch or centre is confirmed without complete payment of fees.
  • Little Genius can reschedule a class as and when they deem it necessary. The intimation for the same shall be through Email/ WhatsApp / Facebook / Google Classroom.
  • Admissions to all batches are on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • The parents are expected to ensure their child attends the session as per the batch details mentioned on the final fee receipt. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the details mentioned on the fee receipt are accurate.
  • Batch transfers are subject to availability and at the discretion of Management.
  • Batches and Timings, once confirmed, may not be changed by the parent without completing the appropriate procedure and with prior permission. The details for the same are available with the administrative department.
    • Batch Transfers will only be granted upon the following conditions:
    • Filling out a batch-transfer request form (online or offline)
    • Subject to availability of seat in preferred batch
    • Upon presentation of previous receipt of admission
    • Only 1 batch transfer is allowed per year, per admission.
    • Rights to Admission are reserved by the Academy.
  • Little Genius Academy reserves the right to cancel the admission of the child immediately upon any kind of misbehaviour/non-adherence to rules shown from the parent/guardian/child's end. Moreover, the parent/guardian shall not have any claim on the refund. The decision of the Directors in this regard shall be final. The admission may be cancelled midterm, even if classes are pending.
  • If a parent feels that their child is finding the syllabus/course too difficult or too easy, they may request a revaluation for the child. There must be a minimum gap of 6 months between re-evaluation requests from parents/guardians.
  • Parents may be asked to choose from the options provided to them in regard to the batch selection. The process and procedure of batch selection will be devised by Little Genius. However, such a process will be limited by a deadline and the same will be set by Little Genius.
  • Parents who fail to go through the batch selection process will be designated a batch which has been selected by Little Genius. No further changes will be allowed to be made thereafter.
  • Should the parents be not able to choose their desired batch for the class, they shall have an option to waitlist themselves for the same. However, being waitlisted for a batch does not guarantee a seat in the same.
  • The preference in waitlists shall be given to the current students of Little Genius.
  • Preference to the waitlisted students who have not taken admission shall be given in accordance to the date of request made.
Fees and Payments:
  • All fees are non-negotiable, non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • Fees for offline and online classes may differ and are subject to revision each year. If a child has paid for online sessions but wishes to move to offline sessions (offline sessions will be conducted as per government guidelines), the difference in fee is payable for the same. Movement to batches in offline sessions is subject to vacancy in the desired batch and payment of difference in dues, if applicable. Till such payment is cleared and its receipt confirmed, the admission into the offline batch shall be void.
  • Fee may be different for different regions, especially international students.
  • Once a fee or part of fee has been paid for a term, it can not be converted into payment for a year.
  • An admission into online classes is not a guarantee of admission for offline classes.
  • Little Genius does not provide duplicate receipts for payment.
  • The receipt obtained from Little Genius Academy against the payment of fees shall be kept safely for future reference. The parent may be asked to produce the same at any point during the academic year.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to end all trial/promotional offers/complimentary services and goods at any point when deemed necessary.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to alter fee structures for all sessions, classes and courses.
  • Payment for a particular Term only allows the student to attend the sessions included in that term. If a student joins when a term has already started, the student may avail recordings for the missed sessions for that term. No discount on Term fee is provided for the missed sessions. Given below is the schedule of modules included in each term. Little Genius does not allow students to sit in class if the payment has not been made. In such cases, the child is asked to wait in the waiting area till the payment and dues are cleared.
  • All refunds shall only be done by Bank Transfer, regardless of the initial mode of payment.
For Term 1
Program Level Module Numbers
English Enrichment Program Foundation Basics - Level 6 Modules 1 - 18
Math World Foundation Basics - Foundation Advanced Modules 1 - 18
Math World Level 1 - Level 6 Modules 1 - 36
Reading Circle Level 1 - Level 6 Modules 1 - 18
Junior CEOs Level 1 Modules 1 - 18
For Term 2
Program Level Module Numbers
English Enrichment Program Foundation Basics - Level 6 Modules 19 - 36
Math World Foundation Basics - Foundation Advanced Modules 19 - 36
Math World Level 1 - Level 6 Modules 37 - 72
Reading Circle Level 1 - Level 6 Modules 1 - 18
Junior CEOs Level 1 Modules 19 - 36
At the time of admission, a fee structure and details sheet is provided to the parent. The parent must ensure that they are paying for correct session numbers and term as per their choice. If a parent mistakenly pays for the incorrect tern, sessions, no refunds or transfers of fee will be provided.
Payment Using the Payment Portal Links:
  • Fees are non-refundable, non-negotiable and non-transferable.
  • Parents are required to pay online through the links sent to them. The link shall be given by Little Genius. Payment via link automatically is an acceptance of terms and conditions of admission to Little Genius.
  • Payment(s) through this Service may only be made using a Credit / Debit Card, UPI or Net Banking. Certain features of Net Banking may be unavailable in this mode.
  • Before using this Service, it is recommended that the user shall make necessary enquiry about the charges or fees payable against the Credit/Debit card used from Credit Card or the Debit Card service provider i.e. the respective Bank.
  • The service is provided using a payment gateway service provider through a secure website. However, neither the payment gateway provider nor Little Genius gives any assurance that the information so provided online by the User is secured or may be read or intercepted by a third party. Little Genius does not accept or assume any liability in the event of such unauthorized interception, hacking or other unauthorized access to information provided by a user of the service.
  • The User agrees that Little Genius or any of its employees will not be held liable by the User for any loss or damages arising from your use of, or reliance upon the information contained on the Website, or any failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions where such failure is due to circumstance be is available on the nominated card/ bank account at the time of making the payment to permit the Payment of the dues payable or fees dues selected by the User inclusive of the applicable Fees.
  • Little Genius does not accept liability for any damage, loss, cost (including legal costs), expenses, indirect losses or consequential damage of any kind which may be suffered or incurred by the User from the use of this service.
  • In certain cases, parents may have an option to avail for EMI. Parents will have the flexibility to select the period over which they would like to pay the monthly instalments.
  • Little Genius shall not take responsibility in the event of occurrence of any error or omission that may take place in the payment of instalments. The respective bank of the parent shall be answerable in this case.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time and the updated version will be published on this website.
  • Once the payment is done. Parents may take the screenshot of the successful payment for their future reference. Receipts are automatically emailed to the ID provided by the parent during payment.
  • The User agrees that the debit/credit card details provided by him/ her for use of the aforesaid Service(s) must be correct and accurate and the User shall not use a debit/ credit card, that is not lawfully owned by him/ her or the use of which is not authorised by the lawful owner thereof. The User further agrees and understands to provide correct and valid debit/credit card details.
  • The User authorizes debit of the nominated card/ bank account for the Payment of fees selected by such User along with the applicable Fees. The User is also responsible to ensure that sufficient credit is available on the card. Little Genius may also make additions/deletions/alteration to the services offered, at its sole discretion. We reserve the right to withdraw the service at any time at its discretion. We retain the right to change the terms and conditions for Online Fee Payments, without any prior notice.
  • The parent must read through details given on the payment page thoroughly. Little Genius is not responsible for any misunderstanding arising due to misinterpretation of information, as read by the parent.
Cheque / Cash payment at centre:
  • Fees are non-refundable, non-negotiable and non-transferable.
  • Parents are strongly advised to undertake the Level Test before paying the fees. However, if they fail to do so, the terms and conditions of our Admission Process shall be followed.
  • Parents are provided with the option to pay the fees via cash / cheque through visiting our Centres.
  • Parents are required to fill a Google Form for booking a slot for fee payment. The link for the same shall be provided by Little Genius. It is absolutely mandatory for filling the above mentioned form.
  • If a parent does not have a pre-booked slot to pay the fee at the centre, their payment may not be accepted.
  • The parent must ensure that the details provided in the Google form are correct and accurate. The receipt for the child’s admission will be printed in advance. Hence, if the parent wishes to change any details/deviate from what they have filled in the form, they will not be incorporated at the time of arrival. A new slot may have to be booked for payment.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to withdraw / modify / alter this Service as and when they deem necessary.
  • Little Genius shall not undertake the responsibility of calling the parent before submitting the cheque for clearance. The parent is expected to maintain enough credit balance in their respective account for the clearance of submitted cheque.
  • The parent shall assume full responsibility if they are unable to maintain the enough credit balance in their respective account and their submitted cheque turns into a bad cheque upon its submission for clearance by Little Genius.
  • The parent shall be charged a penalty of amount INR 250/- for any sort of default on payment. 18% GST shall be levied on this amount. The child will not be allowed to attend classes under any circumstances till such payment is made.
  • The parent shall also ensure that all the details filled on the cheque are accurate. Little Genius shall not assume any responsibility for any error or omission made by the Parent.
  • Cash shall be deposited at our Centre in an unsealed envelope. The parent is expected to bring the exact amount of cash and change. Payments shall not be accepted otherwise and no change will be provided at the centre.
  • For dues not cleared within the stipulated period, the admission of the child will automatically be cancelled and the part payment forfeited. The parent/guardian shall have no claim on the part-payment made for admission for refund or deduction from fee.
  • Little Genius may close physical centres for fee payment at any time, at the sole discretion of the Directors.
  • Parents may avail the option of part-payment. The amounts for the part-payment are fixed and non-negotiable.
  • Little Genius shall not undertake the responsibility to remind parents to clear their outstanding dues. It shall be the parent's responsibility to clear the dues within the stipulated time.
  • If pending dues are not cleared within the stipulated time period, the admission is considered lapsed and the amount already paid, forfeited.
  • To continue the admission, the fees would have to be paid again in accordance to the prevailing Fee Structure.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to withdraw the option of part-payments at its sole discretion.
Tutoring Sessions:
  • Little Genius conducts live online tutoring sessions for clarification of various doubts that a child may have.
  • 2 free tutoring sessions are available per admission in a program per term. All additional tutoring sessions shall be payable as per the fee schedule for that academic year.
  • The duration of each tutoring session is restricted to 15 minutes. However, the teacher may extend it if they deem it necessary.
  • The parent will be required to fill the form provided by Little Genius to avail of a tutoring session.
  • Tutoring sessions will be conducted as per the availability of the tutors. Little Genius does not guarantee the time & date of conducting the tutoring session. However, we will do our best to find a mutually agreeable time for the same.
  • It shall be the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child attends the tutoring session. Little Genius does not guarantee a rescheduled session should the parent have to cancel an already scheduled session.
  • Under no circumstances should the tutoring session be considered as a regular class. The purpose of the tutoring session is to merely solve the doubts and provide clarifications on topics taught in class.
  • Tutoring sessions to resolve doubts from school must be requested at least 3 days in advance and all information required including but not limited to topics, content within topics, images of doubts etc. must be provided at least 2 days in advance.
  • Little Genius may combine tutoring sessions for multiple students if they deem necessary.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to reschedule the tutoring session as and when they deem necessary.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to not conduct a tutoring session if the doubts relate to the topic/s that shall be taught/explained/discussed again the succeeding session.
  • Offline tutoring sessions are not available.
Trial Classes and Offers:
  • Trial Classes are called Demos and chargeable as per the fee structure for different courses and bundles. One child may avail a particular course/course bundle trial offer only once in a lifetime.
  • Trial periods for courses/bundles can only be availed by students not already enrolled in those courses.
  • These trial classes cannot be deferred and the dates for attendance are fixed. Once the trial offer period ends, the child may continue attending classes only upon payment of fees for the remaining sessions for the Term or Year.
  • The trial offer fee is deductible from the Term or Year fee payable for the bundle or course. However, if trial classes are taken for more than one course and subsequently, admission taken into only one course, the deductible amount shall only be applicable for and to the course in which the admission has been taken into.
  • Once a Trial Offer has been availed, the deduction offer may only be availed for that Academic Term or Academic Year. Deductions cannot be deferred to the next year.
  • 1 Course Bundle fee is applicable for 1 student. Course bundles cannot be shared between students.
  • Payment for Trial Classes is not equivalent to or a guarantee of admission.
  • If the trial ends before the next term begins, the classes in between trial ending and new term starting are chargeable as per the per session fee designated for that year. In such cases, the Trial fee is not deductible from the term fee.
Contact Information:
  • The only modes of dispersing information that shall be used by the Institute are E-Mails, WhatsApp, Facebook and the official website. The parent is required to follow the official page of Little Genius Academy on Facebook and Instagram to receive updates on various matters, like - rescheduling of a class, commencement of a new batch, kit collection, etc.
  • The Facebook Page and Instagram Page handles are @LittleGeniusOnline
  • The website is
  • Little Genius periodically conducts Live Sessions to provide updates and detailed information regarding the same. We recommend parents to attend these live sessions. These videos are also uploaded and saved on our Facebook page. If a parent contacts Little Genius for information/clarification which has already been provided in the live session, he/she will be asked to watch the video from the session if they have not done so already. In case the doubts persist, the Little Genius Team will be happy to clarify them.
  • Little Genius periodically conducts Orientations to provide updates and detailed information regarding the same. We recommend parents to attend these orientation sessions.
  • Parents are expected to contact us on our business lines number only during our business hours. The business hours are from 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday to Saturday. No calls/queries shall be entertained beyond these specified timings. If parents are unable to reach us, or if we are unable to attend the calls, kindly leave us a text message via WhatsApp or SMS.
  • Parents have to ensure that we have the latest updated primary and secondary phone numbers for the student. If there are 2 or more siblings studying, different primary numbers have to be provided for each.
  • Our centres do not have designated phone numbers. We only have a central line. However, all our central lines are fully equipped to solve all queries.
  • The parent must ensure that the child attends the classes regularly. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure
  • In case of missed classes, no make-up class will be conducted. The parent can opt for an alternate session of the same module online or offline (if available). If live alternate batches are not available, the parent can opt for a recording of the class, subject to filling the form. In case there are residual doubts after viewing the recorded session, the child may book a doubt session.
  • The parents must ensure that students attend the classes on time. If a child is late to class, the missed portions will not be covered again, as it causes loss of learning to other students in the batch.
Online Classes
  • If a student is found wrongfully aiding any other person, who is not a student at Little Genius to attend the class, that student shall be immediately terminated from the Institution, with no claim over any sort of refund whatsoever.
  • If any Student or parent who has already been terminated from Little Genius and is later found to be wrongfully attending the online classes shall be a subject to cyber crime and will be liable to the fullest extent of law. The parent shall be held responsible for any and all such behavior.
  • Class Schedules may be subject to change without prior notice. In such cases, the new timings shall be conveyed to the parents via email. Little Genius will attempt to assign new batch timings as per the preference of the child. However, admission to preferred batches is not guaranteed.
  • Classes may be rescheduled in case technical difficulty arises either prior to the start or during the course of a session.
  • A student who has taken admission in online classes may attend an offline session at an additional charge. This fee must be paid before attending the offline session. Details for these charges may be availed with our administration department.
Offline Classes
  • It is the responsibility of the parent that the child reaches on time to the class and is picked up on time after class.
Alternate and Recorded Sessions
  • A maximum of two free alternate attendance requests will be allowed per term per admission into a program.
  • Alternate batch requests includes recorded sessions as well as live batches. This means that the student can get a total of two alternate batches per term - whether it is recorded or live. It does not mean two of each.
  • Additional alternate batches are chargeable. The cost for the same would be as per the fee schedule for that year, which is available with our centre heads. No additional recorded sessions are provided without payment. Recorded sessions cannot be adjusted across programs or terms.
  • Recorded sessions are recordings of actual sessions conducted online. Separately recorded sessions are not provided to students.
  • Live alternate sessions are only provided if that module is not completed at one of the other centres. Little Genius does not conduct separate alternate or cover-up sessions for missed classes.
  • Recorded sessions are only available for 24 hours.
  • If the student fails to watch it in the 24 hour period, a fresh application for the same will need to be submitted and it will count in the allowed quota per term.
  • Requests for alternate sessions must be provided as in advance as possible, if you require live-alternate batches. We can not guarantee the availability of live sessions for last-minute requests.
  • In the case of recorded sessions, Little Genius informs the parent once the session has been sent. We try to accommodate the timing and date preferences of parents, but are unable to guarantee the same.
  • It may take upto 10 working days to process requests for alternate batches.
Recorded Sessions for International Students and Day-School Students
  • Parent must inform the Little Genius Team about when they want the recorded session by filling up the form.
  • For winter season, recorded sessions may be requested. However, the parent must fill the form to inform the team when the season starts, also inform the team when to stop sending recorded sessions as soon as the season changes.
  • Recorded sessions will be sent two days after the online class is completed, at a designated time, and will be available for 24 hours only. The timing of sending the sessions cannot be altered as per the parents’ preference, since the session is available for 24 hours. The schedule for the same cannot be paused/altered. Once the Little Genius team begins to send recorded sessions, there cannot be any breaks/requests from parents to pause/restart.
  • The student must go through the recorded session within 24 hours. The same recorded session will not be sent again, once it expires after 24 hours.
  • All recorded sessions for a particular academic year must be availed before 31st March of that same academic year. No recorded sessions are sent after 31st March for that year.
Online Class Applications:
  • It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the appropriate application for online classes is downloaded and is functional on their devices. Parent’s must be familiar with the following applications:
    • Google Mail
    • Google Meet
    • Google Calendar
    • Google Classrooms
  • Little Genius primarily uses Google Meet to conduct classes. However, it may choose to change the platform for conducting classes as well as other uses like checking at any point without prior notification. All such changes will be communicated to the registered email address for the child.
  • Little Genius provides telephonic as well as home-visit services for troubleshooting. These services are available at an additional charge. Please contact the administrative department to avail them.
  • Little Genius may use the email address provided at the time of admission to send information, materials, etc. In case a parent is unable to receive mails/links on the provided email address, the parent may provide an alternate email address. Please note that this change can only be made once.
  • Students will only be allowed to attend sessions using their registered email address. Students attempting to enter the session using alternate email addresses will be blocked. Multiple attempts will lead to permanent termination of admission.
  • Links are not sent for each class. The parent must click on the Video Camera button in the app to login.
  • Little Genius sessions start on time. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that the children attend the full session, with the required study material. If a child is late to the session, he/she will miss out on the teaching and it will not be taken up again. The learning of all students can not be compromised for one student.
  • Little Genius expects the students to have a strong internet connection in order to have an efficient learning experience However, if any student, at any point of the ongoing session, happens to miss the session due to poor internet connection and/or electricity failure on their end, Little Genius shall not re-conduct the class. It is the sole responsibility of the Parent to arrange for the missed work for their child.
  • Little Genius requires that a parent/elder sibling/guardian sit alongside children in the age group of 3.5 - 8. This is to ensure optimum learning.
  • The parent must ensure that they have appropriate internet connectivity. If a parent/child faces issues with sound/video in the class, they may attempt to log out and log in again for the session.
  • Students may be removed from the Google Classroom over non-payment of dues. In such cases, the student shall not be admitted into the classroom until such dues are cleared.
Inside the Meeting Room:
  • For a class scheduled at 3:30 PM, students must login at 3:15 PM, i.e. students must be logged in 15 minutes prior to the start of the class. There will be a countdown timer for 15 Minutes. Your microphone must be muted by then.
  • Little Genius recommends that parents have an alternate internet connection ready on stand-by, in case their primary network fails. We also recommend having a secondary device on standby in case of power failure or battery failure.
  • Before you login, your microphone must be on mute. Children are not permitted to unmute the microphone or use the ‘Present Now’ button while the session is in progress unless the teacher asks them to. If the microphone is not on mute, the child will be removed from the session. The child may not be admitted to the session again.
  • If a child is removed from the class he/she needs to call Little Genius to clarify the reason behind unmuting/using the chat box.
  • The students are not permitted to use the chat box. The chat box is only to be used by the teacher or the administrator. Any student or parent using the chat box will be removed from the session.
  • The video must be on at all times. If the video is found to be off, the child will be immediately removed from the session.
  • The full name of the child should be written in the chat box when it is asked for by the class monitor.
  • Parents sitting with the students must be appropriately dressed. Any parent found inappropriately dressed will be removed. Please remember that there are minor students attending the session.
  • The parents/students are not allowed to open the link in two devices simultaneously. Little Genius will block the ID for the child permanently and it may even lead to termination of admission for the student.
  • Do not forward the link to another ID. If that ID is not in our database of registered addresses, access will not be granted.
  • If you have not attended the test login session, and you get delayed during the regular class due to login issues, we will not be able to cover up missed topics.
  • Instructions to parents during classes will be put on the screen. It is mandatory to follow them.
Offline Classes during Pandemics:
  • No parents or guardians will be allowed inside the centres.
  • Parents and students must mandatorily wear masks at all times. If a parent is found to be dropping off a child without a mask, that admission in offline classes shall be immediately moved to an online admission.
  • If a parent/guardian tries to force interaction or entry into the centre, the admission of the student shall immediately revert to an online admission.
  • Only those students shall be allowed into the centre whose parents/guardians have signed the Consent Form.
  • Parents will not be allowed to meet or speak to any members of the Little Genius team at the centre.
  • All communication with the Little Genius team shall only be conducted via electronic media.
  • Temperature of students shall be checked at the entry point of the centre. If a student is found having abnormal or high body temperature, he/she will not be allowed into the classroom and the parent must pick up the student immediately. In such cases, the student will not be allowed back to the centre for further sessions, without a negative disease report. Till such time, the student may attend online sessions.
  • In cases where Little Genius is moved to shut down the centres, by way of government guidelines or another wave of the virus, students will compulsorily have to shift to online classes again. Batch selection in such cases will depend on the availability and vacancy. The batch timings for online sessions may not be the same as offline sessions and students will be required to select one of the available online batches only. In such cases, students/parents/guardians will have no claim on refund of any type of fee collected.
  • If a parent/guardian wishes to move his/her child from offline classes to online classes, admission to batches shall only be granted depending on vacancy. In such cases, students/parents/guardians will have no claim on refund of any type of fee collected.
  • The parents and guardians must submit reports of both vaccination doses before a child is given admission into offline classes.
Media Release:
  • Little Genius reserves the right to shoot videos and take pictures of activities and teaching done in the class, and use the shot media for publicity and advertising purposes.
  • Little Genius also reserves the right to use any sort of media including, but not limited to: photographs, videos, etc. that are sent by the Parent. The same shall be used for, but not limited to: promotional and advertising purposes by Little Genius.
  • The parent or legal guardian grants LITTLE GENIUS his/her explicit permission to use photographs and videos taken during the term of the child’s study for any legal use, including but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising and web content.
  • By this release, the parent understands that their permission signifies that the photographs or video recordings taken of my ward may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting.
  • There shall be no time limit on the validity of this release nor shall there be any geographic limitation on where these materials shall be distributed.
  • Furthermore, the Parent understands that no royalty, fee or any other sort of compensation shall be payable to the parent or student by reason of such use.
Study Material:
  • All and any kind of study material provided by Little Genius is completely complimentary in nature.
  • All materials provided by Little Genius Academy are copyrighted. All the means of plagiarism/copying are prohibited. No part of any Little Genius publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods.
  • Admissions may be cancelled if any child/parent is found xeroxing/photocopying/photographing it, or transmitting it in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods. Taking pictures, distributing or sharing of worksheets on Facebook or Whatsapp will lead to immediate termination of admission.
  • Little Genius reserves the right to prevent plagiarism by any means, as deemed necessary.
  • If an admission is cancelled, no study material will be provided to the child.
  • Please note that workbooks photocopied from other students will not be allowed in class. Each student must carry an original Little Genius workbook to class. If a child is found with photocopied material, the admission of the child whose book it was photocopied from and the child who photocopied, will be cancelled with no claim on refund.
  • Only those workbooks will be supplied as per the child's current mode of learning. Movement from offline to online classes shall not entitle student to offline books and vice versa. If a student is assigned a new level after revaluation, the level change can only be implemented upon completion of the current workbook. In case the student wishes to change the level before a workbook is completed, the workbook for the new level is chargeable as per the fee schedule for replacement workbook.
  • The students are required to complete the homework assigned and turn it in before the expiration of the stipulated time. Upon the expiration of stipulated time, submission of homework shall not be possible.
  • If a child misses a class, it will be their responsibility to complete their homework by attending an alternate class or viewing the recorded session.
  • The deadline for the submission of homework for online classes shall be intimated to the parents via Classroom platform provided by Google. There is no other mode of submitting homework for checking.
  • Little Genius does not provide answer keys to parents or students of any classwork or homework.
  • Little Genius does not provide digital copies of its classroom material to students, for any reason whatsoever.
  • It is the parent and student’s responsibility to ensure that the student brings the correct workbook and learning material to class. If a child attends classes without the workbook, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child completes the missed classwork at home. Little Genius does not provide replacement sets for when students do not bring their books to class.
  • Couriers will only be sent to the address shared by the parent in the required form.
  • If there is a change in address, it must be communicated 45 working days prior to the book being dispatched.
  • For address changes not communicated to TEPL, the parent must either arrange to collect the courier from the previously mentioned address or, pay for a second courier to be dispatched.
  • In this case, TEPL is not responsible for delays in delivery.
  • The courier to new address shall only be dispatched once the incorrect courier has been returned and received by TEPL.
Kit Section:
  • It is mandatory to wear the T-Shirt given as part of the kit. Students not wearing the T-shirt will not be allowed to attend the class. This is applicable for both, online and offline classes.
  • If a student is unable to wear the t-shirt to class, he/she must submit a signed note from the parent, either online on the form given below or on a separate sheet.
  • The full kit is only provided once a year, for each admission. Additional parts of the kit are available at an additional cost.
  • If part of the kit is lost/damaged, replacements are chargeable as per the fee schedule for that year. The same is available with each centre head.
  • For students studying online, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that they collect the kit in time or opt for a courier service.
Rules for Pickup and Drop-off
  • The team members will not wait beyond 10 minutes of class ending for the child to be picked up.
  • For the first instance of delayed pickup:
    • For pickups delayed beyond 7:45 PM, upto 8:00 PM, a fine of INR 500 is applicable.
    • For pickups delayed beyond 8:00 PM, a fine of INR 1000 is applicable.
  • For second instance of delayed pickup:
    • For pickups delayed beyond 7:45 PM, upto 8:00 PM, a fine of INR 1000 is applicable.
    • For pickups delayed beyond 8:00 PM, a fine of INR 2000 is applicable.
  • The student will not be allowed to attend classes until the fine is paid.
Referral Discounts:
  • Thinkspire Education Pvt. Ltd. (TEPL) offers brand supporters (“Referrer” or “You”) the opportunity to participate in its referral program (the “Program”). We reserve the right to amend or terminate the Program at any time, for any reason. The Program is administered by TEPL.
  • Referrers are bound by these Terms and Conditions by participating in the Program. By participating in the Program, Referrers agree to use the Program in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety, you are not authorized to register as a Referrer or to participate in the Program in any other manner. Referrers may not participate in the Program where doing so would be prohibited by any applicable law or regulations.
  • We reserve the right to modify or amend at any time these Terms and Conditions and/or the methods through which rewards are earned. We reserve the right to disqualify any Referrers from participation in the Program at any time at our sole discretion, including without limitation if he/she does not comply with any of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise fails to comply with any applicable laws (including, without limitation, through any failure to include any disclosures as required by the FTC or otherwise required by TEPL).
  • TEPL offers Referral Discounts to parents whose children are already enrolled at Janet’s Little Genius. Referral Discounts are only given for new admissions. If a parent refers a current or ex-student, the discount is not applicable.
  • The referred parent can avail a one-time 5% discount on their current fee. This discount can only be availed on a Term or Year tuition fee. It may not be availed for Demo fees, fees for Practice Worksheets on the website or other add ons. This 5% is the Referral Discount Amount.
  • The referring parent gets a discount of the Referral Discount Amount on their fee for the next academic year. The Referral Discount Amount is provided to the Referred parent as a Refund on Fee Payment in 45 working days, after fee payment.
  • The Referral Discount Amount is provided to the Referring parent as a Refund on Fee Payment in 45 working days, after their fee for the next Academic Year is paid.
  • Referral discount amounts may be stacked for discount for the next year.
  • A parent can refer as many new parents as they would like. The total of all the Referral Discount Amounts will be refunded to the referring parent.
  • The Referred parent must provide the name and details of the Referring parent at inquiry. Failure to do so will result in the Referring and Referred parent being unable to avail the Referral Discount.
  • The Little Genius Team is not responsible for providing the Referral Discount where the Referred Parent has not provided the details of the Referring Parent.
  • These details must be provided in the Admission and Fee Payment Form by the Referred Parent.
  • Disregard, non-confirmation or non-adherence to rules will lead to immediate termination of the admission.
  • Admissions of students whose parents/guardians misbehave with team members will be immediately cancelled and there will be no claim on refund of fee for the same. The decision of the directors in this regard will be final and binding.
  • Parents must strictly adhere to the pick-up and drop-off timings for offline classes. Parents/Guardians should arrive 5 minutes before the class gets over. Parents/Guardians must pick up the child within 10 minutes of the class getting over. Little Genius is not responsible for the ward beyond 10 minutes of the class being completed.
  • The centre will open only 10 minutes before the scheduled class time.
  • Offline classes cancelled due to natural calamity shall not be re-conducted.
  • No refunds shall be provided in case the change of timings are not suitable.
  • Little Genius employs several qualified teachers to teach its pupils. Teachers may change between sessions or across sessions. No particular teacher is assigned to teach a specific class or level.
  • If any type of mishap occurs in the premises or online sessions of Little Genius Academy because of situations beyond control or any natural calamity of any type, the Institute shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever.
  • Parents and students opting for offline classes automatically consent to guidelines regarding safety for students and staff and agree to take all precautions against illness.
  • The child may be asked to repeat or descend a level at the discretion of the teacher.
  • Little Genius does periodic evaluation of a child’s performance by taking tests. The parent must ensure that the child has prepared for the test. These test scores will be used as criteria for promotion to the next level.
  • No phone numbers of any staff/faculty shall be shared with any parent/guardian.
  • Little Genius does not assume any responsibility for belongings of students/parents/guardians brought to the class. It is the student’s and parent’s responsibility to ensure the child does not misplace belongings.
  • Terms and Conditions are subject to revision.