For the past two decades, Little Genius has enriched more than 15000 young minds with specialised English language, reading and, communication skills. This signature program is now supplemented with new programs designed to enhance children’s knowledge of the world, its events, and mathematical literacy.
It is easier to write on a young child’s mind, a blank slate, rather than erase and try to rewrite at a later stage.
Starting from evolution to pioneering the next revolution.
We, as humans, have evolved over millennia. And evolutionary changes require change-makers. These confident disruptors and leaders spearhead revolutions. All leaders have one common trait - they can think ‘out of the box’.
‘out of the box’ or ‘lateral thinking’ abilities?
Little Genius provides opportunities for children to use their senses to develop their powers of observation. It enhances their ability to sort, classify, explore, predict, experiment, and review their work.
When should this process begin for your child?
Neuroscience research has shown that early childhood is a time of tremendous brain development. Little Genius programs ensure that children do not miss these windows of maximum development.
We start training our children as early as the age of 3.5 years.